For solar power, the future looks bright

Fortune Magazine talks about Swanson, a 62 year old engineer that gave up a tenured position on the faculty at Stanford to start a solar-energy company in 1985. Since then he has watched other other companies, with inventive ideas and impractical plans, fail. And that’s how it unusually worked in the solar business. His company, …

The California Solar Initiative — Triumph or Train Wreck?

A Year to Date review of the California Public Utility Commissions’ California Solar Initiative Since its passage in August of 2006, the California Solar Initiative (CSI) has been touted as the best solar program in the U.S., and even one of the best in the world. Indeed, the $3 billion performance-based incentive program designed to …

A New Kind of Solar Panel

Developers in California are creating solar panels that fit on your roof like tiles. These new panels work just as well as conventional solar panels but blend into the roof more. Although not widely available these panels save money on your electricity bill. Critics of solar tiles point out that they have a lower efficiency …