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New rental program requires no upfront investment.

    Imagine efficient Solar Energy Panels,

  • …on your roof
  • …generating clean power every day
  • …spinning your meter backwards
  • …all for less than you currently pay your electric utility

My friend Shelia described a new solar energy program to me, “Instead of buying panels for over $40,000, you rent them at the same kilowatt-hour rate that you pay your utility company.” (That sounds like a good deal, I thought to myself.)

“They guarantee that your rate per kilowatt-hour will not go up for 25 years. They even have a solar calculator on their website that shows exactly how much you will save over 1, 5, and 25 years.”

I was intrigued. But I had my doubts, it seemed almost too good to be true.

The Model: When the refrigerator was first invented, everyone had an ice box. Since few people could make the initial investment for a refrigerator, the manufacturer offered to give people the refrigerator, with no upfront costs. The customer simply “rented” the system for the same money they were paying to the “ice man” for their ice delivery.

The company is building the largest manufacturing plant for solar panels (photovoltaic panels) in the world.

“This solar rental program operates under net-metering regulations. Net metering gives homeowners the right to generate power and receive the full retail value credit for the excess power generated.”

“The solar panels produce more power than you can use during the day, spinning your electric meter backwards.”

Shelia explained, “A solar engineer visits your home and designs the system so that the extra daytime electricity is stored in the grid. You use this power at night.”

“Over the billing month, the solar panels should provide all the power you need. You pay for the power you generate (plus a small monthly hookup fee from your current utility.)”

The company plans to lead the world in solar power and to have 25% of the U.S. residential energy being produced from the sun by the year 2025. In addition, they wish to create a powerful, grass-roots movement for social, economic and environmental change.

Key Benefits

no expensive system purchase
no permit hassles
no installation costs
no maintenance fees

Sound’s like a no-brainer. Reserve my system today »

Big house, big bills, brownouts. We had it all.

My name is Tony Cecala. I live in a Texas-sized surburban house with my lovely wife Felicia. Our home burns through 4500 kilowatt-hours in the summer; thats over $700 in electric bills! My neighbors pay even more.

There’s only one way to fight those rate hikes—generate our own electric power. We’ll be doing that with our solar panels at a flat rental rate that will not go up for 25 years.

Green Benefits: With clean solar energy, my home will eliminate 1322 tons of CO2, 4154 lbs of NOx, 5481 lbs of SO2, 315 lbs of PM, 81 lbs of VOC, and 749 lbs of CO. The equivalent of taking approximately 231 automobiles off of the road, or planting 3878 trees.

Lock in your electric rate for up to 25 years. You can figure out your rate, which will be the same or less than what you are paying now, using the “Solar Savings Calculator” at SolarSavingsCalculator.com

Zero Risk:

  • If you decide to back out at any time during your rental agreement all you would lose is your security deposit (usually $500 for a basic home, which you do not even pay until after the company is sure they can install solar energy at your home and you have approved the plan).
  • After 25 years, you get back your deposit with interest.
  • If you move during this 25-year period, the company will move your solar panels (once) for free, or you can sign the agreement over to the new homeowner (making this an excellent selling feature for your home).

Why wouldn’t someone do this? It’s not expensive. If you can pay your electric bill, you can afford solar.

There’s no risk—if the panels stop working, you paying nothing until they are fixed. Watch the video by Actor and Environmentalist Ed Begley Jr., and learn more about this offer.

Check out the service territory on the company web site, and see if it is even available for your home. (Not every home is a candidate). Then reserve your system today and sleep soundly knowing that your energy rate is locked in for years to come.

 It’s quite an opportunity. Reserve your system today.

Tony Cecala, Ph.D.
Executive Sales Director

PS – If you have questions about the system that you would like to discuss personally, please feel free to give me a call directly at 1-972-378-1211 or send your email to renu@holisticnetworker.com for a prompt reply.

PPS – I’m passionate about solar. It represents the “American Way”–we like to do it ourselves, we’re daring and self-reliant. What a statement to the world! Free ourselves from imported energy by creating our own power, on our very own roofs!

This solar power program is only available in the following states: Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Montana, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, Wyoming.

Live outside of the service area? Live in an apartment? You can still become a sales associate and earn money by introducing your friends and colleagues to this remarkable solar energy program.

There are other solar panel manufacturers such as: Air Therm, Eurosolare, Isofoton, Sharp Corporation, Aten Solar, Evergreen Solar, Kaneka Corporation, Solara, SunPower, Atersa, Kurzsolar, Solar-Fabrik, SunPower Corporation, Atlantis, GE Energy, Kyocera Solar, Solarwatt, SunSet, BP Solar, GPV, Mitsubishi Electric, SolarPort, Sunware, Canrom, Heliodinamica, Mitsubishi Heavy, Solarwerk, Total Energie, Conergy, Helios Technology, MSK Corporation, SolarWorld, Webasto, Duravolt, IBC, Matrix Photowatt, Solon AG, Solmec, Energie Bau, ICP Solar, Schott Solar, Uni-Solar, Sanyo Solar. And other installers that can be found on findsolar.com. If you can afford solar panels today, I encourage you to buy them.

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